the beatboxing bus
24 november 2004ok, this has nothing to do with the trip but i just have to write about this:
tonight when i was walking home from tesco liverpool street i took a short cut home on worship street. that’s where all the buses are waiting for drivers before they take off south. as i passed one of the buses i noticed that it was shaking, or actually vibrating! and sound came out from it too! i looked at the driver seat and saw this old fat driver dude sitting there, in this shut down bus with no lights or engine on, beatboxing!!!!!! yes it is true! the whole bus was making resonance and i loved it! oh my, i felt so good i almost started running. well, i did actually start running.
i dj’d tonight. i think it was a good way of project my crazy emotions somewhere. i like music.
good night
dj oskar, vad för musik spelar du och vilken typ (vinyl, cd, laptop etc)?
/peter 2004-11-24, 10:22
spater strom,
igar var det bara cd. hade inte tid och kraft att dra med mig vinylerna. men jag varmde upp for lektrogirl med lite svensk tidigt 80tals new wave blandat med kompaktliknande saker samt annan samtida elektronisk rock. hon, emma, spelade role model, singeln som du designat. den var skitsnygg, snyggare an vanligt for skivan hade slitit mot omslaget iomed det skapat en slags aura over himlen pa omslaget. valdigt vackert.
/oskar 2004-11-24, 18:53
Det var jag som var i bussen. Lennart Svan stod bakom bussen och skulle hoppa fram och avsloja den dolda kameran men du sprang faktiskt ivag.
/oscar 2004-11-27, 17:43
[…] also print it out to read on the train/bus/toilet. … Mail (will not be published) (required) …oskarlin Blog Archive the beatboxing busthe beatboxing bus. ok, this has nothing to do with the trip but i just have to write … Lennart […]
/hoppa bus 2010-03-07, 00:05