duai, duai
5 januari 2005Oskar forgot to mention that the microwave restaurant is a huge microwave with a huge door, yes, a house that looks like a huge microwave. We’ve seen houses here that have shapes of beerjugs, trees and an elephant (!). So, why not a microwave, hi-tech western style modern fastfood for the new, modern human being with less time to spend on cooking. It would be called Pling! and the round restaurant part would be rotating and the staff would pick up the frozen food out a huge freezer. We’re sketching on a fax-machine restaurant. Well, China is fantastic. It is so much fun, the chinese people are the funniest in the world and taxi rides are dirt-cheap. Internet is not, adios!
/Oscar. I miss you all! Sorry about my lack in the promised correspondence.
my favorite is when you went to the capsule land. when you get back can you build me a hot tub? ill build you something in return, but nothing fancy cause im not good at that like you are mr construction. maybe soemthing out of thumb tacks and newspapers? i miss you oscar! come home soon! love
/chelsea 2005-01-15, 02:27
du ar sa javla sot!!!
/oscar 2005-01-15, 08:12