1 mars 2005yesterday night when me and stacie were going down to OC to say good bye to molly (good bye!), i noticed that my wallet was gone. shit man. i called kaye and asked her to search the apartment but she couldn’t find anything so i got super worried,
until this morning when i went back to the library again. they had my wallet.
oh man.
byebye! im off to become the ”token american friend” among my german pals! maybe i should start wearing cargo shorts and big sneakers?
/molly 2005-03-01, 20:23
/kaye 2005-03-01, 23:13
Du borde ha pengarna i en såndär vattentät burk, som man har runt halsen. Annars, när drar du till SF?
/Andreas 2005-03-02, 16:26
man, good thing you found it. I was worried.
/stacie 2005-03-02, 19:17
andreas, i think i will head over there next week or this weekend. i like it here, so it’s hard to leave.
/site admin 2005-03-02, 22:37