17 april 2005my first grime experience in nyc tonight, and it was a o k! not so many people showed up to one of the first grime nights in new york but i didn’t care because i was in the front all the time. jon e cash was playing and also some sublow dudes. the music was fucking amazing. it was me, abby, laurel and eric – laurels boyfriend. a dude named, hmm, i can’t remember now, came up to me and told me he had met me in my flat in berlin when i lived there. he was friends with tony and was living here in nyc now. how weird. laurel and eric went home and me and abby met up with daniel and tracy at the hole, where i also bumped into diana, someone i met at a party two nights ago.
earlier today me, laurel, tracy and daniel took the ferry out to staten island where i bought the weirdest jacked with both dalmartine, zebra and some other patterns on. it’s crazy and i wore it during grime night tonight. staten island ruled. laurel thought it looked like romania and even though none of us has been there i agreed. i also had an amazing tortas with mexican cheese. sooo good!
on our way out there we saw a crazy lady with a hole in her forehead. i wasn’t sure if it was muscles or her scull i could see but it was fucking scary! like 1 cm in diameter and no blood!
good night