embarrassing in food shopping
19 september 2005sometimes when i go to a supermarket and buy only ingredients for one type of dish (ex sushi: seaweed, wasabi, etc) i get so embarrased! i always think that they think ”look at that dude, he’s making the typical sushi kit, what a jerk”, so i always try to buy things that doesn’t combine into a certain meal. does anyone feel the same?
Sort of…but a bit different. I always think about the people who work in the shop. Can they avoid imaginig what it will look like when people sit down to eat at home? I have been thinking quite a bit about people who have public jobs. Librarians think about the books you borrow, people at the grocery store think about the groceries you buy, people at the video-shop about the books you buy. And this is all fine…and rather uninteresting! But sometimes it gets more puzzeling: Today I saw a street-art film called ”CPH: Remix” It was about one grafitiartist, one guy doing Akay-like stuff and one big fat man who worked with removing graffiti from the walls of Copenhagen. I was so much more interested in what kind of thoughts he had about his job and so on than about those artists. What did he think? Was he like:
– A good wall is a clean wall. Why don’t these punks just get a job?
– This is a nice picture, to bad it’s gotta go.
– Well, if it wasn’t for these graffiti-people I would not have a job…And if I was not here they wouldn’t have a place to paint. We are like symbiotic creatures. …like friends. Maybe I should leave a message to them.
– I wonder if they hate me for taking this stuff away.
/Jonas BW 2005-10-09, 13:41
i like that your commments on this site is also your posts on your site!
/site admin 2005-10-10, 00:34
Yes I agree sometimes it’s totally embarassing to shop ingredients that combines into a kit, sometimes however I feel priviliged and posh to afford to buy all ingridients for a dish ’from scratch’ I guess we are old commies who’d felt better eating just fried onions like my dad used to do when he was living alone, the weeks me and my sister stayed at my mom’s after the divorce, but before he remarried.
/johan 2005-10-12, 16:22
Sushi är väl inte så pinsamt? Jag tycker det är värre att köpa onyttigheter, typ läsk och muffins. Då gäller det att se så smal ut som möjligt när man betalar! Men då finns ju risken att man verkar vara bulimiker. Vad man än gör så framstår man som en person med svag karaktär.
/SSSSSSSSSSara 2005-10-19, 07:09
näe, köper man godis och sånt är man ju en ”livsnjutare” och det gillar ju alla. värre är det när man framstås som ett pretto hälsofreak, som jag idag. handlade bara soyaprodukter, vitaminer, grovbröd, quinoa och frukt.
/site admin 2005-10-19, 07:46