simpsons sucks
7 april 2006When I was a kid, I hardly watched TV. I found it boring. Instead I spent my time on my own in front of the computer (this was before Internet). There were two things I actually watched on TV, and that was 120mins (music show on Mtv) and the Simpsons. I loved Simpsons. My family loved Simpsons. Everyone did! It was the best.
Three years ago (and 12 Simpsons seasons later), my friend Jeff told me that the (by then) new episodes Simpsons weren’t funny anymore. I didn’t believe him because I was just too caught up in loving the show.
Well, I haven’t watched the show in a while, but recently because of reading that finally there will be a Simpsons movie out soon, I decided to watch some new episodes from the 17th season. Today when watching the 14th episode from that season I felt I had to write this somewhere:
It is just terrible! Nothing is funny anymore. No smart comments on recent events in society. No nothing. Crap! Compared to South Park, well, I can’t compare them anymore. It’s just so much better than the Simpsons. South Park has all that criticism Simpsons lost. I mean just look at the SP episode about scientology: amazing! fun, smart and somewhat political.
Yeah, so good bye Simpsons! Hello South Park!
Skönt att till slut även du kommit till insikt. Du borde kolla in senaste SP, sjukt bra avsnitt. S10 är rikitgt bra, tycker SP varit lite vagt senaste 2 åren typ – håller fortfarande S6 som den bästa ever.
/Peter 2006-04-07, 21:03
Respect brother! I totally agree with you. I myself live in Belgium and we get the new episodes later then you Americans, but these new episodes, they’ve become sort of pathetic and maybe even embarrassing to watch. We’ll get to see the movie 2 days before the US will, but still I won’t watch it despite being one of the biggest Simpsons fans ever.
/Max Korn 2007-05-17, 21:32
Well, I’m not american, I’m swedish, but I’ve been downloading the newest episodes from the internet. But not anymore though
/oskar 2007-05-18, 09:16
I totally agree. I absolutely hate new simpsons – i’m actually embarassed to watch them
/Bobbybobbobobbobobob 2007-10-28, 12:22