Here’s to the Eski Boy!
17 oktober 2006Wiley vs. Renaldo and the Loaf – Here’s to the Eski Boy (oskar mix)
Ok, my first mashup is here!
I know, I know, I hate mashups! But that doesn’t stop me from making one! For a long time I’ve noticed that the song Eskimo by Wiley sound similar to the old Here’s to the Oblong Boys by Renaldo and the Loaf from 1987. Yesterday when I didn’t want to rinse any more mushrooms I felt like mashing, so I did. And here it is!
OSKI BOY, landsbygdens egna DJ Statik.
Igar var vi uppe pa ett berg sa hogt att oronen slog lock, satt dar i djungeln och lyssnade pa North (Babylon Burner instrumentalen). Jag tog grimen tillbaka till naturen.
/MICKE 2006-10-19, 01:24
Jag kanske kommer till Japan i februari för lite VM i längdskidor! vi får se
/oskar 2006-10-20, 09:37