Skidpepp, to the top!
26 november 2007The diagram above shows the visitor statistics for my ski blog As you can see it’s turning out to be a big success now towards the winter. From having only around 20-30 visitors each day last month, yesterday was a new all time high with 268 visitors!
What’s even better is that over 70% of the visitors are not first timers which means that people who read it like it and come back! No one-timers only here.
Must be because of XCStorm ;) (Joke aside) Nice stats and great blog!
/Anders H 2007-11-27, 07:50
XCStorm helps, that’s for sure. But it’s not all!
/oskar 2007-11-27, 14:28
Thanks for a great time visiting your site. It’s really a pleasure knowing a site like this packed with great information.
/usb drive 2010-12-28, 10:12